I am an associate professor in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL, where I lead the Laboratory for Computation Security.
Previously, I was an associate professor in the EECS Department at UC Berkeley.
I am an author of several zkSNARK libraries (such as libsnark) and arkworks.
I am a co-inventor of Zerocash, co-founder of Zcash, and co-founder of StarkWare Industries.
My work has been recognized by an IEEE SP Test-of-Time Award (2024), a Sloan Research Fellowship (2021), an Okawa Foundation Research Grant (2020), a nomination in MIT's TR35 (2018), and Google Faculty Research Awards (2018 and 2017).
Together with Eylon Yogev, I wrote a book on hash-based SNARGs: Building Cryptographic Proofs from Hash Functions.
Please use this bio and photo for announcements. Here is my CV.
Research interests: I am broadly interested in Theoretical Computer Science and Computer Security. Specific interests include theoretical and applied cryptography, complexity theory, privacy-enhancing technologies, and quantum information.
[P4] |
On the Security of Succinct Interactive Arguments from Vector Commitments
Cryptology ePrint Archive,
Report 2023/1737
[P3] |
Relativized Succinct Arguments in the ROM Do Not Exist
Annalisa Barbara,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Ziyi Guan
Cryptology ePrint Archive,
Report 2024/728
[P2] |
A Time-Space Tradeoff for the Sumcheck Prover
Alessandro Chiesa,
Elisabetta Fedele,
Giacomo Fenzi,
Andrew Zitek-Estrada
Cryptology ePrint Archive,
Report 2024/524
[P1] |
Reducing Participation Costs via Incremental Verification for Ledger Systems
Cryptology ePrint Archive,
Report 2020/1522
[C62] |
WHIR: Reed–Solomon Proximity Testing with Super-Fast Verification
(44th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C61] |
zkSNARKs in the ROM with Unconditional UC-Security
Alessandro Chiesa,
Giacomo Fenzi
TCC 2024
(22nd Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C60] |
Untangling the Security of Kilian's Protocol: Upper and Lower Bounds
TCC 2024
(22nd Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C59] |
Security Bounds for Proof-Carrying Data from Straightline Extractors
Alessandro Chiesa,
Ziyi Guan,
Shahar Samocha,
Eylon Yogev
TCC 2024
(22nd Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C58] |
STIR: Reed–Solomon Proximity Testing with Fewer Queries
(44th International Cryptology Conference)
Best Paper Award
(CRYPTO 2024)
[C57] |
On Parallel Repetition of PCPs
Alessandro Chiesa,
Ziyi Guan,
Burcu Yıldız
ITCS 2024
(15th Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C56] |
IOPs with Inverse Polynomial Soundness Error
Gal Arnon,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eylon Yogev
FOCS 2023
(64th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science)
[C55] |
Lattice-Based Succinct Arguments for NP with Polylogarithmic-Time Verification
Jonathan Bootle,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Katerina Sotiraki
(43rd International Cryptology Conference)
[C54] |
EOS: Efficient Private Delegation of zkSNARK Provers
Alessandro Chiesa,
Ryan Lehmkuhl,
Pratyush Mishra,
Yinuo Zhang
USENIX Security 2023
(32nd USENIX Security Symposium)
[C53] |
Proof-Carrying Data From Arithmetized Random Oracles
Megan Chen,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Tom Gur,
Jack O'Connor,
Nicholas Spooner
(42nd International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C52] |
A Toolbox for Barriers on Interactive Oracle Proofs
TCC 2022
(20th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C51] |
Hardness of Approximation for Stochastic Problems via Interactive Oracle Proofs
Gal Arnon,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eylon Yogev
CCC 2022
(37th Computational Complexity Conference)
[C50] |
On Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments in Relativized Worlds
Megan Chen,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Nicholas Spooner
(41st International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C49] |
Gemini: Elastic SNARKs for Diverse Environments
(41st International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C48] |
A PCP Theorem for Interactive Proofs and Applications
Gal Arnon,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eylon Yogev
(41st International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C47] |
Zero-Knowledge IOPs with Linear-Time Prover and Polylogarithmic-Time Verifier
Jonathan Bootle,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Siqi Liu
(41st International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C46] |
Tight Security Bounds for Micali’s SNARGs
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eylon Yogev
TCC 2021
(19th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C45] |
Post-Quantum Succinct Arguments: Breaking the Quantum Rewinding Barrier
FOCS 2021
(62nd IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science)
QIP 2022
(25th Conference on Quantum Information Processing)
[C44] |
Sumcheck Arguments and their Applications
Jonathan Bootle,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Katerina Sotiraki
(41st International Cryptology Conference)
[C43] |
Subquadratic SNARGs in the Random Oracle Model
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eylon Yogev
(41st International Cryptology Conference)
[C42] |
Proof-Carrying Data without Succinct Arguments
(41st International Cryptology Conference)
[C41] |
Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes
TCC 2020
(18th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C40] |
Barriers for Succinct Arguments in the Random Oracle Model
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eylon Yogev
TCC 2020
(18th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C39] |
Linear-Time Arguments with Sublinear Verification from Tensor Codes
Jonathan Bootle,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Jens Groth
TCC 2020
(18th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C38] |
Fractal: Post-Quantum and Transparent Recursive Proofs from Holography
Alessandro Chiesa,
Dev Ojha,
Nicholas Spooner
(39th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C37] |
Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with Universal and Updatable SRS
(39th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C36] |
On the Impossibility of Probabilistic Proofs in Relativized Worlds
Alessandro Chiesa,
Siqi Liu
ITCS 2020
(11th Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C35] |
On Local Testability in the Non-Signaling Setting
Alessandro Chiesa,
Peter Manohar,
Igor Shinkar
ITCS 2020
(11th Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C34] |
ZEXE: Enabling Decentralized Private Computation
SP 2020
(41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy)
[C33] |
Relaxed Locally Correctable Codes with Nearly-Linear Block Length and Constant Query Complexity
Alessandro Chiesa,
Tom Gur,
Igor Shinkar
SODA 2020
(31st Symposium on Discrete Algorithms)
[C32] |
Succinct Arguments in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
Alessandro Chiesa,
Peter Manohar,
Nicholas Spooner
TCC 2019
(17th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
QIP 2020
(23rd Conference on Quantum Information Processing)
[C31] |
Linear-Size Constant-Query IOPs for Delegating Computation
TCC 2019
(17th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C30] |
Aurora: Transparent Succinct Arguments for R1CS
Eli Ben-Sasson,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Michael Riabzev,
Nicholas Spooner,
Madars Virza,
Nicholas P. Ward
(38th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C29] |
Probabilistic Checking against Non-Signaling Strategies from Linearity Testing
Alessandro Chiesa,
Peter Manohar,
Igor Shinkar
ITCS 2019
(10th Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C28] |
Spatial Isolation Implies Zero Knowledge Even in a Quantum World
FOCS 2018
(59th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science)
QIP 2019
(22nd Conference on Quantum Information Processing)
[C27] |
DIZK: A Distributed Zero Knowledge Proof System
USENIX Security 2018
(27th USENIX Security Symposium)
[C26] |
Testing Linearity against Non-Signaling Strategies
Alessandro Chiesa,
Peter Manohar,
Igor Shinkar
CCC 2018
(33rd Computational Complexity Conference)
[C25] |
Oblix: An Efficient Oblivious Search Index
SP 2018
(39th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy)
[C24] |
Proofs of Proximity for Distribution Testing
Alessandro Chiesa,
Tom Gur
ITCS 2018
(9th Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C23] |
Zero Knowledge Protocols from Succinct Constraint Detection
Eli Ben-Sasson,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Michael A. Forbes,
Ariel Gabizon,
Michael Riabzev,
Nicholas Spooner
TCC 2017
(15th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C22] |
On Axis-Parallel Tests for Tensor Product Codes
Alessandro Chiesa,
Peter Manohar,
Igor Shinkar
(21st International Workshop on Randomization and Computation)
[C21] |
Interactive Oracle Proofs with Constant Rate and Query Complexity
ICALP 2017
(44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming)
[C20] |
Decentralized Anonymous Micropayments
(36th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C19] |
Computational Integrity with a Public Random String from Quasi-linear PCPs
Eli Ben-Sasson,
Iddo Ben-Tov,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Ariel Gabizon,
Daniel Genkin,
Matan Hamilis,
Evgenya Pergament,
Michael Riabzev,
Mark Silberstein,
Eran Tromer,
Madars Virza
(36th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C18] |
Interactive Oracle Proofs
Eli Ben-Sasson,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Nicholas Spooner
TCC 2016-B
(14th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C17] |
Quasilinear-Size Zero Knowledge from Linear-Algebraic PCPs
TCC 2016-A
(13th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C16] |
Secure Sampling of Public Parameters for Succinct Zero Knowledge Proofs
SP 2015
(36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy)
[C15] |
Cluster Computing in Zero Knowledge
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eran Tromer,
Madars Virza
(34th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques)
[C14] |
Scalable Zero Knowledge via Cycles of Elliptic Curves
(34th International Cryptology Conference)
[C13] |
Succinct Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge for a von Neumann Architecture
USENIX Security 2014
(23rd USENIX Security Symposium)
[C12] |
Knightian Self Uncertainty in the VCG Mechanism for Unrestricted Combinatorial Auctions
Alessandro Chiesa,
Silvio Micali,
Zeyuan Allen Zhu
EC 2014
(15th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation)
[C11] |
Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from Bitcoin
Eli Ben-Sasson,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Christina L. Garman,
Matthew D. Green,
Ian Miers,
Eran Tromer,
Madars Virza
SP 2014
(35th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy)
IEEE SP Test-of-Time Award in 2024
(papers from 10 years prior that had a substantial impact on the field of security and privacy)
[C10] |
SNARKs for C: Verifying Program Executions Succinctly and in Zero Knowledge
(33rd International Cryptology Conference)
[C09] |
On the Concrete Efficiency of Probabilistically-Checkable Proofs
STOC 2013
(45th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing)
[C08] |
Recursive Composition and Bootstrapping for SNARKs and Proof-Carrying Data
STOC 2013
(45th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing)
[C07] |
Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments via Linear Interactive Proofs
TCC 2013
(10th Theory of Cryptography Conference)
[C06] |
Fast Reductions from RAMs to Delegatable Succinct Constraint Satisfaction Problems
ITCS 2013
(4th Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C05] |
Succinct Arguments from Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs and their Efficiency Benefits
Nir Bitansky,
Alessandro Chiesa
(32nd International Cryptology Conference)
[C04] |
From Extractable Collision Resistance to Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge, and Back Again
ITCS 2012
(3rd Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C03] |
Mechanism Design with Approximate Valuations
Alessandro Chiesa,
Silvio Micali,
Zeyuan Allen Zhu
ITCS 2012
(3rd Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C02] |
Proof-Carrying Data and Hearsay Arguments from Signature Cards
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eran Tromer
ITCS 2010
(1st Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science)
[C01] |
A Security Analysis of the Boston T
Zackary Anderson,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Samuel McVeety,
Russell Ryan
(hacker convention in Las Vegas in 2008)
[J10] |
Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments via Linear Interactive Proofs
Journal of Cryptology,
Volume 35, Issue 3, May 2022
[J09] |
Spatial Isolation Implies Zero Knowledge Even in a Quantum World
Journal of the ACM,
Volume 69, Issue 2, April 2022, Article Number 15
[J08] |
On Axis-Parallel Tests for Tensor Product Codes
Alessandro Chiesa,
Peter Manohar,
Igor Shinkar
Theory of Computing Journal,
Volume 6, Article 5, September 2020
[J07] |
Testing Linearity against Non-Signaling Strategies
Alessandro Chiesa,
Peter Manohar,
Igor Shinkar
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory,
Volume 12, Issue 3, May 2020
[J06] |
On Cycles of Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves
Alessandro Chiesa,
Lynn Chua,
Matthew Weidner
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry,
Volume 3, Issue 2, pages 175–192, April 2019
[J05] |
Scalable Zero Knowledge via Cycles of Elliptic Curves
Volume 79, Issue 4, pages 1102-1160, December 2017
[J04] |
The Hunting of the SNARK
Nir Bitansky,
Ran Canetti,
Alessandro Chiesa,
Shafi Goldwasser,
Huijia Lin,
Aviad Rubinstein,
Eran Tromer
Journal of Cryptology,
Volume 30, Issue 4, pages 989-1066, October 2017
[J03] |
Knightian Analysis of the Vickrey Mechanism
Alessandro Chiesa,
Silvio Micali,
Zeyuan Allen Zhu
Volume 83, Issue 5, pages 1727-1754, September 2015
[J02] |
Improved Soundness for QMA with Multiple Provers
Alessandro Chiesa,
Michael A. Forbes
[J01] |
Proof-carrying data: Secure computation on untrusted platforms
Alessandro Chiesa,
Eran Tromer
The Next Wave: The NSA's review of emerging technologies,
Vol.19, No.2, 2012
[T2] |
Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments
Ph.D. thesis (September 2014)
MIT EECS Department
Advised by Prof. Silvio Micali
[T1] |
Proof-Carrying Data
M.Eng. thesis (June 2010)
MIT EECS Department
Advised by Prof. Ronald L. Rivest and Prof. Eran Tromer
I joined EPFL's faculty in the summer of 2021, and UC Berkeley's faculty in the summer of 2015.
Prior to that, I spent one year as a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zürich; my host was Prof. Thomas Holenstein.
I earned my Ph.D. in the Theory of Computation group in CSAIL at MIT; my doctoral thesis advisor was Prof. Silvio Micali.
I earned my M.Eng. in the same group; my master's thesis advisors were Prof. Eran Tromer and Prof. Ron Rivest.
I earned my S.B. in Mathematics and my S.B. in Computer Science at MIT; outside of classes and labs, I rowed for the heavyweight varsity crew team at MIT.
A list of my old coursework while at MIT can be found here.
Before coming to MIT, I lived in Varese, Italy, where I was born in 1987. While in Italy, I attended the European School of Varese from kindergarten through high school; this school is part of the system of European Schools, which awards students the European Baccalaureate.
I enjoy many outdoor sports, including biking, climbing, mountaineering, and running.